Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Earth Day!

Welcome back and happy Earth Day!  The children have taken part in many different fun activities during the month of April.  We have celebrated spring, poetry month, and earth day.  In order to kick off the month of April, the children created Spring cinquains.  After brainstorming many different spring topics, the students created their one-of-kind cinquains.  At the art center they created their beautiful umbrellas (with cofee filters, markers, and water) and flowers (with cupcake holders and pipe cleaners).  Take a look at some of them here
(*Be sure to click on the pictures to see them bigger)... 



For Earth Day we have been talking about different ways that we can take care of our Earth.  The kids created their own marble painted Earth.  They have learned why it is so important to care for the Earth and that the future is in their hands.  We took it quite literally with this fun project!!

Another way that we celebrated Earth Day was during our Lorax party.  We filled our marble jar so it was time to celebrate!! However, we couldn't have a party without a little writing first.  Okay, maybe a lot of writing!  I tied in our persuasive writing unit into the marble party.  The children had to convince me to choose their type of party.  We read persuasive writing mentor texts, learned about fact and opinion and parts of persuasive writing, brainstormed party ideas, drafted, edited, conferenced, and revised.  It was a 3 week process... but well worth it!  All of the papers came out beautifully and I was SO proud of the kids' hard work.  In the end, I decided on a Lorax party.  Two of my friends chose this topic and did a phenomenal job.  I also thought that it tied into our Earth Day and Dr. Seuss units very well.  Take a look at the winning papers below... 


We had lots of fun at our Lorax party.  We read the book, watched the movie, ate Lorax snacks, wore Lorax mustaches, and did Lorax activities.  There were even trufulla trees next to the door!  Take a look at some of our work... 



Here are some Lorax snacks we got to eat (humming fish, Barbaloot fruit juice, truffula fruit, Barbaloot snacks, and truffula seeds)...


How festive are these mustache straws?!

The kids were so excited to see the truffula trees as they were walking into the classroom.  It really set the tone for the day!

Here is a cute pictures of some of the kiddos enjoying the movie.  They were nice and comfy on the carpet with their blankets and stuffed animals...

We can't wait for the next party! I have lots of new party ideas!

Thanks for stopping by... :o) 

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